
Melvin's Egg

"Egg" - Artists Proof - Can't figure out the name of the artist - Found in Melvin's booth (across from mine)
I sell vintage at an antique mall that has made a name for itself selling the unique. As I head to my booth, I try to the best of my ability to "keep my head down."  Promise.  If you work in some fabulous retail joint or art museum you already know what I am talking about. If you are one of those sane fortunate people who have a day job removed from the material, try this one on for size. Imagine that you are at work and that you have just put in a sixty hour work week. As you walk to your desk, those sixty hours that you worked are manifest in something that was made just for you, maybe it is that Stella McCartney leather that you keep kicking yourself for not buying on clearance this Spring, perhaps it is something like a perfectly cooked filet, or maybe it is Johnny Depp, whatever. Imagine the thing, meal or person that you want most. Well my thing is vintage and the aisles are full of things that were designed mostly in particular for moi. I have limited the color palette in my home to three in an attempt to keep food on the table with the remaining spectrum.   So when I say I try to keep my head down, I do not lie.  Occasionally though, I have to look up. People will say hello and you simply cannot be rude; sometimes shoppers need things and as this is a retail establishment, it is in my best interest to do so;  sometimes my one year old decides the ideal time to make a run for the door is when I am trying to hang a light fixture. Needless to say, I look up and when I do I often find the most perfect picture that I have been looking for to hang in my little kitchen in my little yellow and blue and green house. I spend a little cash and I trade for the rest and Voila - Artist's Proof - "Egg" - artist unknown

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