
Revieux - Sherwin Williams... meet Don Draper

This has been on my mind for a while now - I tout no art department background and I have never written a single line of copy but nevertheless...Why? This particular logo may be the one thing keeping me out of my neighborhood Sherwin Williams. I can only imagine that the reason that the earth is turning blue is because the paint can is smothering it with its loaves and fishes supply of blood. Will my children suffocate too if I use your paint and do you have any colors besides Full Metal Jacket Red? This does not make me feel like it is particularly good for the environment with the earth turning black there at the bottom as it gasps for its last breath. Sherwin Williams, why has Don Draper abandoned you? How about Color the Earth, with swirls of happy color that make me want to rethink my own walls? Seriously though, they would only have to change two letters and basically stop dumping toxic waste on the earth and voila, a free campaign that works!

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